Category Archives: Workshop

In Vietnam: Young citizens rise as change agents to meet the nation’s environmental sustainability needs

Vietnam’s escalating environmental challenges, particularly climate change, have spurred the nation’s youth to actively seek...

MEF presentation at VISTI/SEAC-STIPM 2022 conference

MEF’s research team participated and contributed important presentations at the “Conference on Science, Technology and...

Towards equitable and inclusive climate adaptation policies and practices in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta

The ‘Science Connections for Better Governance and Sustainable Development in the Mekong Delta’ policy dialogue...

Citizen science training series – WV Tracker in the Mekong Delta

The Citizen Science training session within the framework of the WV Tracker Project was successfully...

MEF community workshop in An Giang Province

On July 28th, 2022, the Mekong Environment Forum (MEF) in collaboration with the Department of...

MEF Workshop on Environmental and Public Health

On May 23rd, 2022, MEF hosted a scientific symposium “Building a Methodology for Identifying Infectious...

Citizen teacher training series – Citizen Science Volunteer Corps (CSVC)

On July 10, 2021, representatives of Girl Rising Vietnam, Ms. Tran Thi Ngoc Tran, and...

The Webinar “Asean at the Crossroads: Fostering Collective Strengths for Addressing Regional Issues”

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) faced a double crisis triggered by traditional and...

Mekong Delta Sustainability Workshop: Accelerating Sustainable Development Through Community-level Innovation

In response to the Vietnamese Government Resolution 120 on Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Development of the...

Impacts of Mekong Hydropower Dams and Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Delta

According to an international online symposium on “Impacts of Mekong Hydropower Dams and Climate Change...